samedi 18 décembre 2010

December things, books and girafes

I found the heart shaped rock the other day on the beach. I went for a walk, trying to enjoy the first rays of sun in weeks and to beat my blue mood, and I found the rock. I felt very gloomy when I went, and I was fine when I came back with this rock and some nice others!

I tried to draw the top of my christmas tree but I think I'm not patient enough for that kind of thing.
The weed on the bottom left is wheat, here in Provence people grow it from the 4th of december for luck and money in the house. Anything that can help, I'm willing to try!

Last reads : on the right, La Cithare Nue (the naked sithar) by Shan Sa. It's so beautiful, from the first lines to the last ones, I couldn't believe it. It's like watching a painting, hearing music and reading a poem, during hundreds of pages - and the story is fantastic. I can't recommand that book enough! It makes a great Christmas gift, too!
The other one is by Tony Hillerman, Skeleton Man. I haven't finished it but it's great - I've never read a Tony Hillerman book that I didn't like! It had been a long time since I'd read one of his stories, and I felt the need for it. He's well known in France - present in every public library!

  And a quick one I did yesterday and this morning. I wanted to draw something, anything, and found these girafes before the Ngorongoro mountains in an old Geo magazine. It's not very polished, but I like it anyway - and I have this urge to make things, like I've never had before. I'm really enjoying - and needing - the process!

15 commentaires:

Deborah a dit…

Wow, such colorful pages. I really like the top of your Christmas tree. Thanks for the book recommendations too.

Alex a dit…

I really like the use of bright colors and strong contrasts in these Kazumi, you made them popped out of the screen real good.

jenna a dit…

I love getting into that place where I just want to make things all the time.

You go so much further with that tree-top than I would have. I have even less patience! The giraffes are really, really nice - it doesn't even look as though you painted it from a photograph, but from life.

Unknown a dit…

Wonderful pages; but I absolutely LOVE those giraffes!

jill a dit…

I agree the giraffes are great, what a good idea drawing your books, there are some fantastic book covers. I like that you review them as well. I have also just blogged a rock I have, it is great getting wonderful treasures for free. I hope you are able to keep your heart rock, there are so many possibilities with this for creativeness

Shirley a dit…

Your giraffes afe FABULOUS! I don't think they need to be polished at all. I love how dark they are against the landscape - and the sense of movement you've achieved. Bravo!

Sarah a dit…

I know what you mean about patience for drawing fiddly things - you got further than I would with that christmas tree and I love the rich colours in your pages.

Unknown a dit…

Great post and drawings.

I hope you are still smiling and not feeling blue any more.

Sandra a dit…

Wow! such strong pages. Thanks for sharing.

Cathy Holtom a dit…

Some great sketches, I especially like your giraffes. I'll check out the book by Shan Sa, you made it sound so good!
Hope things get better :)

donna a dit…

I like all of the pages, but the giraffes are very very good.

debra morris a dit…

Great pages, the top spread is my favourite

Timaree a dit…

Love your pictures. I think you did great with the top of your tree and I like the idea of just doing a part of it rather than the whole thing. Your giraffes are neat. Glad you are having fun!

Merry Christmas.

Ann a dit…

Oh, these are all so nice! I love the giraffes just the way they are. And the book covers and reviews are fantastic as always. And I love, LOVE that top page spread, the various objects and the way you combined them in the composition works so well! And the tree top looks great to me :-)

Anonyme a dit…

All of these sketches are really wonderful. Glad you are feeling the creative juices and I hope they keep flowing for you.