I've missed the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, but I've found me a lot of great photos about the event, and I had in mind to try to draw some of them. This one seemed not too complicated, just one figure and some stars!
This is the 10 mn version:

The next day I prepared some more things and sat and did that one :
In exactly one hour - actually I could have finished more quickly but I slowed down because i like to play within the rules (sometimes). This time with acrylic paint. I had fun too. I like it better because the colors are more bright. And it was fun to paint without drawing the lines before, something I've never tried yet.
I don't like them enourmously, but I don't hate them either and it was fun to do something different!
5 commentaires:
bonjour :) such a nice works are here! these are great ideas about olympics and i love your painting for golf too.
I like the colors and the idea. I thought it was a fun prompt too.
I dig a lot the astronaut of the 10 min. Very fresh and perfectly identificable.
I really like the quick one it has the lightness about it - zero G...:)
Sounds like you enjoyed this challenge !Fun to try doing things in a new way and not worry too much about the results !
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