samedi 14 avril 2012

A fish, a prayer and a rabbit in a basket.

This is my psychedelic sardine. I had this image in my head and just had to draw it - please don't ask me why, I really have no idea...

This, I made for a friend. It's a prayer. I had made one a bit like that one for myself, and she wanted one too, so here it is. 

And this is a part of my storybook project. I'm in the process of coloring that one and not happy with the colors I chose, so you get to see it before, when it was still nice and promising...

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend! 

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Beautiful bright colours! The rabbit looks so sweet - I look forward to seeing him/her in the final colours.

Sue Brown a dit…

What lovely projects you've been creating :)

Pam Huggins a dit…

Your work is spectacular! I love the sardine and your rabbit is wonderful. I'm sure you'll get the colors just the way you want them.
The prayer is also beautiful.
Fantastic work!!!

Pam Huggins a dit…

I've just been catching up on your other posts. WOWWWWWW!!!! I'm in total awe.

Dan Kent a dit…

You are doing beautiful work. The floating fish are so cool, both in this and the last post. The pristine, pre-colored rabbit is excellent! I can relate to that pre-colored, post-colored dilemma.

debra morris a dit…

Very cool sardine!

The Art of Phil Davis a dit…

Love the rabbit...and the sardine...and the prayer....the are all great!

nanke's stuff a dit…

My French is too rusty to translate the prayer, but I would love to know what it says. It's beautifully presented. I love the little rabbit, and the colorful sardine .... well, what's not to like? nancy