jeudi 24 février 2011

Three books and too many faces to count

New books again. I've been too busy to concentrate on anything else than my usual practice with books and faces... On the right is a nice story that reads easily but isn't half as funny as promised on the cover. I didn't believe them anyway. In the middle is an awesome story by french author Tonino Benaquista (that's a pleonasm because he only writes awesome stories). The kind of story that makes you smile for entire minutes in a waiting room in pure jubilation, the whole world around forgotten...

And on the left is an interesting book about dreams and their interpretation. The author mainly says that the purpose of dreams interpretation is prediction. He also says that you cannot interpret your own dreams because the interpretation would only become another dream. You must ask an interpret he calls an "onirocrite" (in french), and the dreams have to be told just out of bed, before breakfast.
I'm interested by the prediction part, but I think I'll leave the rest, because it doesn't seem very practical. Not every body can have his own onirocrite waiting beside the bed every night.

 And faces again. From magazine, daily papers, cook books, travel books...
My new exercise is to draw while watching my dvds. I try to draw the faces very fast, sometimes from memory, sometimes in several takes. For some (unknown to me) reason I really want to get good at that. I want to be able to "get" a face in just a few traits, like my favorite graphic novels illustrators and writers, Hugo Pratt and Joan Sfar.
I'm not posting the results, but I can tell you it's really a fun and efficient way to practise!

12 commentaires:

Sarah a dit…

These faces are great! Really well caught and full of character, as are your book sketches.

I'm not convinced about dreams predicting things - mine (when they aren't heavily influenced by films I've watched - I dreamt of zombies the other night) tend to reflect things in my life which have already happened - more like a confirmation than a prediction. But of course, I'm interpreting the myself ;-P

Elza a dit…

Your artwork is great but for whatever reason, your posts capture my attention too. Benaquista not available at Amazon, unfortunately. On a different note: I have just discovered OSS 177/Jean Dujardin movies (I live in the US)and very much enjoyed the humour. I was reminded of Dujardin by one of your drawings.

Timaree a dit…

You are doing some great faces. I think it's good to learn to capture faces but I've only drawn a couple of faces so far and not of any real person.

I have a really good dreambook. This author says most dreams are our subconscious trying to tell us something we don't want to see or acknowledge or just can't while in the conscious state. The book is called The Complete Dream Book which you can find at Amazon here. I really like it and it's modern, not relying on old superstitions.

jill a dit…

I picked up 2 books the other day with you in mind, thinking they had really good covers to draw, not done them yet. I love your faces and will try and have a go at doing some. I would love to know what my dreams mean but think no-one would want to interpret them as they are so weird and lifelike at times. It makes being asleep interesting though.

Anonyme a dit…

Another fabulous post by one of my favorite artists! I don't know how you do it, review books that you've actually read, draw them spectacularly and then show us these great faces.
I'm in awe.

Dan Kent a dit…

Wow! Love these faces. It's funny how we have our defaults (things we go back to again and again to draw and paint). But if you think about it, your book covers are all different! There is quite a variety. I do something similar with sketches - I'll try to catch faces on tv and sketch them. I am not too fast though, but it's a great exercise.

Unknown a dit…

Nope, nope...I'll never get tired of seeing these! The books are so colorful, they're like eye-candy! And faces, you know I love to do faces and yours are great!

Alex a dit…

Awwwww I miss your book covers. :) I was starting to wonder what Kazumi has been doing... looks like you've been busy. The faces are awesome too! And no I doubt that anyone will ever get tired of these

Cathy Holtom a dit…

I always enjoy looking at you artwork and reading about the books you've read..I just wish I could sketch a face like yours!

nanke's stuff a dit…

What? You don't have your very own onirocrite waiting anxiously for you to wake up? lol I just love visiting your blog. Your art is just wonderful, your posts both funny and interesting, and I love seeing and hearing about what you've been reading! Wish I could get the Benaquista book (in English, of course). nancy

jill a dit…

where are you, Im waiting patiently for another post from you. I left an award for you also on my blog

Jennibellie a dit…

These faces are fabulous, I am in awe, thanks for sharing Jennibellie x