dimanche 29 août 2010

Books and balusters

My last reads. First I read the one on the right, a story by Cathy Kelly, and I hated it. It was boring, and it was aggravating, and I wonder why I read it to the end. I thought something interesting was going to happen. But no, never. Also, I was busy with no time to go to the library...

On the left is a story by Ed McBain, and it was good. I've enjoyed all the books I've read by this author, great plots, great dialogues and characters, always.

And this is a trompe l'oeil I did in May for my parents, to replace the broken balusters temporarily. I drew them in chalk on a large wooden board and a friend sprayed some waterproof varnish on the whole thing.

I've not been drawing lately and I miss it, but I had absolutely no motivation for it. Now, seeing all the cool posts of everyone via the EDM group, I feel the motivation creeping back... Crossing my fingers.

mercredi 18 août 2010

Books and something completely different

I've been not drawing a lot, lately. Last week I had some time to myself and this came out. It was fun to do and took a long time with all the little details to color... (I think you can see it bigger if you click on it).

Then I had to do something with the cluster in my appartment and basement, and I received the Chuck season 2 dvds, and I had to go to the beach not to lose my suntan, and the rest of the week disapeared very fast.
But I also managed to finish that - not reading much lately, so it's easier to keep update with drawing my books ^^!

On the left is a strange book by Kelly Kaplan about a village famous for its frog cooking restaurants. There's violence, jealousy, sects, sex, crimes,  lies... it's very weird. I liked it mostly because it was told in a way that made me see the pictures really well (and no, I'm not talking about the sex part, that was not graphic at all), I could picture the story like in a child book. Otherwise it was a little too weird for my liking.
The one on the right was great fun. It's a thriller by Andy Mc Dermott with a lot of action and explosions, the characters are fun, I enjoyed it a lot!! Will read anything by this author now!