I'll just print the pages, cut them at the right size, and offer them in a package with the little shelf you can see below. The pages are 10x7 and the self is A4. Maybe I should add the year on the shelf, above the pages. I don't know.
Only three days left and I'm on my way to Paris to see the family. With all the little shelves in my bag... And the prints, if I can find some color ink for my printer before tuesday, and that's not certain. I've only managed to print two calendars so far and couldn't find the right cartridge when I went shopping yesterday...
That's the kind of thing that happens to me all the time. I wish I was able to think ahead and be organized, sometimes. It must be really nice, not to be late all the time and worry and run everywhere like a chicken without its head.
I'm definitely not Kazumi yet...