mardi 13 avril 2010

4 portraits

From photos I found on flickr (from theses flickr streams : krakote est point com, itzik, crazycrazy, LightMirror).

I'm not drawing at all these days, I don't know why. Not even a small portrait. Nothing. (these were done last month).
I feel stuck, and not only with the drawing thing.

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

These are wonderful portraits in line! Very expressive! Thank you for your comments on my blog today...I look forward to reading your thoughts on why you draw the way you do. I've so enjoyed visiting the last several posts you've made!

Timaree a dit…

These are nice sketches. Poor you. I hope you find your new home soon. Have there been any possible choices? Perhaps you could draw them. It's hard to draw when life is in upheaval.

Dragana Savkov - Bajić a dit…

I like your portraits! Especialy that left on the top! Really great job! So expressive! I also have days (usually weekends) when I don't draw... think it's a good thing to make a pause whatever we do, that way when we start drawing or painting again, we're fresh and new...

Kevin Kennedy a dit…

Great line work here love them keep up the good work!

Alex a dit…

Excellent portraits Kazumi! I really like the first one on the left, it's got this "cool" manga style and I have always been crazy about styles in manga.
I hope you get out of the mood soon. It happens sometimes when you just don't feel like drawing anything, and any idea in your head is never good enough. But as I got a lot of advice from people here in EDM, you could try to stop wondering, and start sketching stuff you see just because you're looking at it instead. Like if you're watching a movie, just freeze a scene and draw it or something, out of randomness you know? Once you get the hang of it, you'll get back to yourself in no time ;)

nanke's stuff a dit…

I like all of them, but my favorite is the lower left one. I think we've all been where you are as far as making art, and it isn't very pleasant. It will pass, I promise, and it's such a relief when it does. Different things have worked for me in the past - doodling mindlessly, copying something from a book or magazine, or just reading about art in an art book or magazine has helped. Also, sometimes doing something completely different with no expectation of "quality" - playing with Fimo or crayons or collage. Not to worry - you'll come shooting out the other end better than ever! nancy

Anonyme a dit…

Tes portraits sont très bons avec beaucoup de caractère. Celui avec la main est vraiment super, une pause difficile.
C'est vrai, on a tous des hauts et des bas, et en général ce n'est pas que avec le dessin, c'est un tout.En plus a la fin de l'hiver on est tous en régime faible.
J'espère que tu vas avoir l'énergie de prendre ton crayon et commencer a mettre quelque chose sur le papier.Des la roue va se remettre a tourner.
Et montre nous tes lignes.

Ann a dit…

These are all wonderful drawings, very expressive and full of life. Try not to stress about feeling stuck, it happens to all of us at one time or another. I honestly think it is part of a natural cycle and when you do get the urge to create you will have a renewed creative energy.

Ellen Burkett a dit…

Well I think you're doing great. I expecially like that sassy lady in the upper right corner! Slumps are part of the deal I guess, because we all get them. Keep on thinking like an artist. It'll be back... You're too good for it to stay way long.

Unknown a dit…

I love the portraits! And I'm sorry to hear you're feeling uninspired; I know how depressing that can be since I just "recovered" from my own recent bout. I do hope it doesn't last long; I get so much inspiration from you!

Ramona Davidson a dit…

Great work on the portraits. You have such a wonderful style.