mardi 27 octobre 2009

Des livres et des visages

My last reads. I loved the Dan O'Brien book, it was very interesting and a pleasure to read. I love M. O'Brien's view of life, he's very wise and he has an eternal student attitude (that's probably why he's so wise). I learned a lot about nature and ecosystems with this book.

I'm experimenting with kids faces, not very pleased by the results but I feel like doing these anyway... So I'm going on with the feeling...
I've not been blogging, very busy these last few weeks. A lot of work, car problems, lots of activities and on going projects - very good, I'm glad (except for the car troubles, but it's just material, doesn't matter).

8 commentaires:

Alex a dit…

It's really great to have to you back and seeing your artwork again! I am sorry to hear that your schedule is too packed and car problems is not a good thing at all I would say. But thank you so much for your comment. And there are already 2 French people saying that my drawing looks like in comic, and I just checked out the website and I must say that I know why right then! Unfortunately I don't understand French so I didn't know how to navigate, but I really like the style.
No matter how busy you are, just keep drawing alright? ^^ I really like your faces, and the way you spread the colors all over. I just realized recently(again) that art is meant to be expressive, and you should be having fun while doing it.

Ellen Burkett a dit…

I love all the detail in the first painting! It just has an overall good look to it.

I like the simplicity of the others...they're simple but they seem to really capture the personalities of the subjects. Plus I like that they are simple but still include details... backgrounds, patterns, etc.

Post more!!!!

Ramona Davidson a dit…

Your pictures are colorful and interesting. Keep creating.

Patty Ruthe a dit…

My favorite is the one in the blue striped shirt. Great composition.

Anonyme a dit…

Wonderful composition and palette on your first post here. Your children are beautiful, and you've caught individual personalities. Lucky you, having such great models!

Anonyme a dit…

On se rejoint dans le plaisir de dessiner, c'est un plaisir réel et cela se voit dans ces portraits. Le dernier me fait penser a Philémon, le t-shirt rayé et la tête dans les étoiles.

Judybec a dit…

I just love the girl in the brown hat!!!

joanieART a dit…

Hi there, Thanx for visiting my blog. I see that YOU are a face maker as well. Nice job! Lovely blog.